Aquaveo & Water Resources Engineering News

MODFLOW SWI2 package support in GMS 10.1

GMS 10.1 includes support for the MODFLOW SWI2 package. "The SWI2 Package allows three-dimensional vertically integrated variable-density groundwater flow and seawater intrusion in coastal multiaquifer systems to be simulated using MODFLOW-2005" (USGS) A tutorial and sample files are available with GMS 10.1. Below is an animation created in GMS of the movement of a freshwater \ saltwater boundary due to changes in head and well pumping rates.

SWI package animation
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GMS Sprint February 2016

Some of the more notable things completed by the GMS team during the month:
  • Fixed several bugs
  • Deletion of UGrid cells implemented
  • Warn and skip segment if breakline crosses a mesh boundary
  • Merge / Split graphics tool
  • Plot windows now appear outside main frame
  • Interpolate UGrid to UGrid tool
  • Interpolate UGrid to coverage tool
  • xmsng: Progress on Polygon to patch mesh
  • xmsng: Merge triangles to a quadrilateral
  • xmsng: Split a quadrilateral into triangles
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GMS Sprint January 2016

Some of the more notable things completed by the GMS team during the month:

  • Fixed several bugs
  • Updated the help file with 10.1
  • Raster tutorial updated
  • Print Layout (Beta) documented on wiki
  • Updated to MODFLOW-USG 1.3
  • Export UGrid to shapefile without MODFLOW data
  • Refactor of interpolation classes
  • Increased warning levels to 4 for all remaining configurations
  • Investigated VTK contour label solution
  • Deleting of UGrid points
  • Cleaned up display of quadratic UGrid cells
  • Progress on processing tool to interpolate UGrids to UGrids
  • Progress on GUI/library separation with the tree
  • xmsng: Scalar paving
  • xmsng: Edge swap on UGrids
  • xmsng: Created document to document code
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GMS Sprint December 2015

Some of the more notable things completed by the GMS team during the month:

  • Fixed a few bugs
  • Added to wiki for MODFLOW CLN package
  • Started adding lidar example to Rasters tutorial
  • Enhancements to UGrid interpolation
  • xmsng: Finished grid quality metrics
  • xmsng: Finished support for refine points in mesh
  • xmsng: Finished relaxing of mesh points
  • xmsng: Added conversion of linear to quadratic elements
  • xmsng: Added decimaton of an existing UGrid mesh
  • xmsng: Converged on a point in polygon approach, with tests
  • Much code refactoring
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GMS Sprint November 2015

Some of the more notable things completed by the GMS team during the month:

  • Fixed several bugs
  • Added conceptual model support for MODFLOW CLN package
  • Wrote a tutorial for MODFLOW CLN package
  • Implemented VTK to CAD
  • xmsng: Added callbacks during meshing for status
  • xmsng: Added relaxing of mesh nodes
  • xmsng: Added meshing multiple polygons and stitching into one mesh
  • xmsng: Added breaklines in meshing
  • xmsng: Added interpolation to meshed polys
  • xmsng: Started adding support for refine points in meshing
  • xmsng: Started on unstructured grid quality metrics
  • xmsng: Started on support for scalar paving
  • Much code refactoring
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GMS Sprint October 2015

Some of the more notable things completed by the GMS team during the month:

  • Fixed several bugs
  • Combo boxes in table dialog no longer require three clicks
  • UGrid now included in Convert to CAD
  • USACE project work
  • Much code refactoring
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GMS Sprint September 2015

Some of the more notable things completed by the GMS team during the month:

  • Fixed several bugs
  • More work on isosurface volumes
  • Name file manager preserves original file names
  • PCG7 support
  • Added ability to invert tables to show them like properties
  • Final mod-PATH3DU work
  • Print layout work
  • Work on a mesher for USACE
  • Much code refactoring
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GMS 10.1 Beta posted

GMS 10.1 Beta has been posted on the downloads page. Some of the new features include:

  • GNC (Ghost Node Correction) Package for MODFLOW-USG
  • SWI (Seawater Intrusion) Package for MODFLOW-USG
  • CLN (Connected Linear Network) Process for MODFLOW-USG
  • Import of MODFLOW-USG models created outside GMS
  • Observations for MODFLOW-USG
  • Pilot points for MODFLOW-USG
  • Name file / unit number manager and improved support for unsupported packages
  • A Cell Summary text file as part of the MODFLOW solution
  • mod-PATH3DU particle tracking
  • UGrid refinement
  • UGrid isosurfaces
  • UGrid interpolation
  • UGrid vector display
  • Several new options for exporting files: VTK, Shapefiles, TOUGH2, GSF...
  • 6 new tutorials
  • ...and many more new features and user requests
See the full list of What's New in GMS 10.1.


The image below comes from a poster presentation created by a GMS user, Andrea Borgia, who has been using GMS for pre- and post-processing of TOUGH2 models. Although GMS doesn't have an interface to the TOUGH2 model, Andrea has developed a workflow to make it work. In GMS 10.1 it will be possible to export UGrids to TOUGH2 MESH input files. Thanks Andrea!

GMS TOUGH2 poster
