Aquaveo & Water Resources Engineering News

GMS Sprint August 2015

Some of the more notable things completed by the GMS team during the month:

  • Fixed 6 bugs
  • Rewrote isosurface volumes code to fix accuracy problems
  • Implemented display of CLN wells
  • Finished initial mod-PATH3DU interface and tutorial
  • Various code refactorings and improvements
  • Cell summary added to MODFLOW solution
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GMS Sprint July 2015

Some of the more notable things completed by the GMS team during the month:

  • Fixed several bugs
  • Greatly sped up voronoi UGrid creation
  • Finished CLN wells interface
  • Create a new tutorial for the Name File dialog
  • Progress on mod-PATH3DU
  • Added exporting of solids to VTK file format
  • Started on a new tutorial about projections
  • Added a number of user requests from the forum:
    • Material legends in the Cross Section Editor
    • Right-click to uncheck all layers in the CAD menu
    • Added a preference for changing the direction of the mini-grid increment/decrement
    • Added a preference for inverting the mouse wheel zoom direction
    • Changed it so attached cross sections are cleared but not deleted when editing a borehole
    • Added descriptions to borehole segments
    • Cross section editor plot lines can now appear in back of cross section
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Improved Voronoi Grid Generation

Support for unstructured grids (UGrids) began with GMS version 10. A variety of UGrids can be created using GMS. One type of UGrid is a Voronoi grid. A voronoi grid has certain desirable characteristics related to the computational scheme of MODFLOW-USG: MODFLOW-USG assumes that connected cells are perpendicularly bisected by a line connecting the centers of the cells. Recent enhancements to GMS 10.1 include a much faster Voronoi grid generator. An example model is shown below of a voronoi grid of the Biscayne Bay model area. This grid was generated in about 30 seconds on a core i7 3.4 GHz processor. The final grid has about 200,000 cells.
Model Area
Voronoi Grid
Zoomed view of northern rectangle
Zoomed view of southern rectangle

MODFLOW & More 2015 conference

Alan Lemon and Norm Jones had a great time at the MODFLOW and More 2015 Conference May 31 - June 3. We didn't seem to take any pictures of the conference, but here's one from the IGWMC Facebook page and if you look closely you can just make out the edge of the Aquaveo booth off to the right of the photo. :)

MODFLOW & More 2015 Photo

GMS Sprint June 2015

Some of the more notable things completed by the GMS team during the month:

  • Fixed several bugs
  • Finished MODFLOW-USG translator. GMS can now read USG models created outside of GMS
  • Mostly finished the quadtree UGrid improvements
  • Increased interpolation speed even further
  • Support for AUTOFLOWREDUCE in MODFLOW-USG well package
  • Lots of testing improvements and refactoring
  • Training course in Ostrava, Czech Republic
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GMS Training, Ostrava, Czech Republic

The GMS team recently completed an introductory course in Flow and Transport Modeling in Ostrava, Czech Republic. Many thanks to Rapantova Nada for organizing the class at Technical University of Ostrava.

GMS Sprint May 2015

Some of the more notable things completed by the GMS team during the month:

  • Fixed several bugs
  • MODFLOW-USG translator progress
  • Name file / unit number manager work
  • Quadtree UGrid improvements
  • Several improvements made in testing
  • Work on USG pathlines
  • BCT package complete
  • Added vector data and top and bottom elevation data to UGrid exported as VTK
  • Training course in Perth, Australia
  • Attended MODFLOW & More 2015
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Arc Hydro Groundwater Training - Perth, Australia

Alan Lemon recently completed another successful Arc Hydro Groundwater training in Perth, Austrailia. The class was organized by our friends at SRIT. We had a large group and great accommodations at the Pan Pacific Hotel in Perth. Many thanks to SRIT for organizing and to those who attended.
Group picture
Lecture room
Lecture room
Small group picture

GMS Sprint April 2015

Some of the more notable things completed by the GMS team during the month.
  • Fixed 4 bugs
  • MODFLOW-USG translator progress
  • Export native text for MODFLOW-USG
  • More selection options for UGrids: with line, polygon, by ID etc.
  • Start on support for BCT package in next version of MODFLOW-USG
  • Name file / unit number manager work mostly completed
  • Work on improved quadtree design for UGrids
  • mod-PATH3DU progress
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GMS Sprint March 2015

Some of the more notable things completed by the GMS team during the month.

  • Fixed one bug
  • MODFLOW-USG translator progress
  • Parameter arrays for MODFLOW-USG output done
  • Pilot points for MODFLOW-USG done
  • MODFLOW SWI package interface completed
  • MODFLOW SWI package tutorial completed
  • Name file / unit number manager work
  • Import dataset from column delimited text file feature added
  • UGrid structure and refinement completed
  • Isosurface volume work
  • Added Help menu item to go to GMS forums
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