Aquaveo & Water Resources Engineering News

Using STL Files in SMS

Starting in SMS 13.0, SMS can now make use of STL files.

STL files use tessellation, the process of mimicking a surface by assigning surface coordinates to a repeated pattern of polygons. In the case of STL files, triangles are used to make a 3D mesh that can effectively be rendered into any shape needed including landscapes.

STL files are typically used for 3D printing. They also can be used for the modeling landscapes. There are several methods for creating these files. This post will not attempt to cover the specifics of those methods as other places cover how do this.

Uploading and Using STL Files

In SMS, STL files are used to model terrain. Once you have created an STL file, importing it by using the File | Open command or dragging-and-dropping the file into SMS.

When uploaded, the file is automatically transformed into a Ugrid and adjusted for the associated z values. This UGrid can then be used for all the normal uses of such in SMS.

Example of an STL file loaded into SMS

It is important to mention that the z values may or may not be representative of the elevation depending on the source of the STL file used. Fortunately, there is a way to handle such cases in SMS. After import, the Ugrid can be converted into a 2D scatter dataset. The scatter can then be interpolated to a mesh or modified with the data calculator. If desired, tim and dim files representing that data can then be created as usual.

Exporting STL Files

To create an STL file, you must have a UGrid with the corresponding elevation data attached. This UGrid must consist of only triangular elements.

Export the STL file by:

  1. Right-click on the UGrid and select the Export command.
  2. Then select a (*.stl) file type before saving the file.

There are two STL file type available for export. The binary option is often used since it requires less memory. The ASCII file is more user friendly if the file needs to be inspected. Both save data by recording the coordinates of the vertices associated with each triangle. If unaccompanied by other files, the Ugrid will also have to be manually associated with the correct projection after uploading.

We hope to add more functionality for STL files in the future. Try using STL files with your SMS projects today!

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Exploring MODFLOW Head Boundary Packages

GMS allows using a number of different MODFLOW head boundary packages (GHB, RIV, STR, SFR, etc.) to indicate flow in or out of your model. These packages often appear to be similar. To the differences between them, here we discuss a few of these packages.

Example of MODFLOW head boundary packages available in GMS
General Head

The General Head Boundary (GHB) is, conceptually, a fixed head far from the model where it is assumed to be a fixed head with time (i.e., the river or head will not be affected by the model stresses over time). The purpose of using this boundary condition is to avoid unnecessarily extending the model domain outward to meet the element influencing the head in the model. As a result, the general head condition is usually assigned along the outside edge of the model domain.

General head cells are often used to simulate lakes. General head conditions are specified by assigning a head and a conductance to a selected set of cells. If the water table elevation rises above the specified head, water flows out of the aquifer. If the water table elevation falls below the specified head, water flows into the aquifer. In both cases, the flow rate is proportional to the head difference, and the constant of proportionality is the conductance.


The MODFLOW River (RIV) package only tracks flow between the aquifer and the river. With the River Package, once water has entered the river, it is lost to the model.


Unlike the River package, the Stream (STR) package routes flow through the stream. The water can travel downstream and possibly re-enter the aquifer at another point. The Stream package also allow periodic drying. However, there are more restrictions than in the River package.

Also unlike the River package, the Stream package calculates the water depth based on the flow rather than it being manually entered. There are several different options available for calculating water depth, including using Manning’s equation or a depth versus flow table.

The Stream package divides streams into reaches and segments. It models effects of rivers on aquifers while tracking flow in river. Interaction between surficial streams and the groundwater for the Stream package uses Manning’s equation and simple channel hydraulics to compute the stage in the stream.

Streamflow Routing

This Streamflow Routing (SFR2) package is similar to the Stream package. Though it has more restrictions than STR, it has more sophisticated hydraulics and routing options.

These are just the most commonly-used of over a dozen different MODFLOW head boundary packages that can be used with GMS. Go ahead and explore the different MODFLOW packages available in GMS today!

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Downloading NLCD Data

One of the crucial elements of any project is having data. WMS makes use of a large number of data sources. One type of data that we find frequently used is National Land Cover Database (NLCD) data. NLCD is provided by the MRLC (Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium) as a large collection of raster datasets.

Here are three ways this data can be imported into WMS.

Direct Download

NLCD data can be downloaded from the MRLC site. Much of the other data available on the MRLC site can also be used with WMS.

Downloaded NLCD data can be opened in WMS by selecting the Open macro, browsing to the folder containing the downloaded data, and selecting the desired raster. WMS should be able to recognize the data file and bring it into your project.

Using the Modeling Wizard

NLCD data can also be downloaded while using the Hydrologic Modeling Wizard or the HY-8 Modeling Wizard. To do this:

  1. Start the Hydrologic Modeling Wizard or the HY-8 Modeling Wizard
  2. Create the project in the first step
  3. Define your project bounds and set the project projection
  4. In the Watershed Data step, turn on the Use web services option
  5. In the Download Data (Web Services) step, select one of the NLCD data types
  6. Click the Download Data From Web button to download and import your NLCD data
  7. Enter a raster cell size for the data
  8. Save the data as a file
Using the Get Data Tool

Downloading NLCD data can also be obtained by using the Get Data tool. To use this tool, your project must have a projection already defined. When you have a projection set, do the following:

  1. Using the Get Data tool, click-and-drag a box in the Graphics Window that covers the area where you want NLCD data
  2. Save a file with the NLCD data
  3. Enter the raster cell size for the data
Downloading NLCD data

You might also notice that a lot of other data sources are available through the Modeling Wizard and Get Data tool. Feel free to try downloading data from these sources for your WMS projects.

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Using the Plot Data Coverage

Have you generated a plot in SMS and found it was difficult to see where a bridge, culvert, or other structure location matched up with the plot? The Plot Data coverage helps make them more visible, making an observation coverage more meaningful in a profile plot.

Typically, a profile shows some desired value such as water surface elevation or the riverbed elevation. This data can be more useful in many cases if structures are displayed on the plot as well. A Plot Data coverage allows creating polygons over structures that then helps display the location of the structure on the plot profile.

To use the Plot Data coverage, do the following:

  1. In the Map Module, create a new coverage with the Plot Data type.
  2. In this new Plot Data coverage, create a polygon over the area of interest.
  3. Double-click on the Polygon to assign attributes in the Plot Data dialog.
  4. Create an observation arc that includes the area of interest.
  5. Create an observation profile plot.
  6. In the Plot Data Options, turn on the Plot Data coverage.

The profile plot will now show where the polygon on the Plot Data coverage aligns with the profile.

Example of a Plot Data coverage used in a plot profile

For example, if you want to consider the impact of a new bridge placement on the flow of a river, you could create a polygon representing the bridge location. When included in the profile, this could help you visualize placing a bridge at that location along the river and at the indicated height. If water elevation data is available, such as from an SRH 2D simulation, the height of the bridge can be easily compared with elevation profile of the water surface. This could be helpful in considering if the bridge would be washed out or flooded during periods of heavy rain when the river swells.

Culverts can similarly be shown on the profile by using the Plot Data coverage. Likewise, obstructions or structures of any shape could also be shown in the profile using the Plot Data coverage. Multiple plot data coverages could be used when there is a desire to layer structures such as a hypothetical bridge and the supporting abutments or columns.

Try out using the Plot Data coverage in SMS today!

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