Aquaveo & Water Resources Engineering News

September 2013 Sprint

  • PEMEX conference
  • LA County training
  • Fixed 5 bugs
  • MODFLOW-USG progress including:
    • Convert 3D grid to USG
    • STR package I/O
    • GAG package I/O
    • Read solution including head, drawdown, and CCF files
    • RCH and EVT package dialogs
    • Selecting USG cells
    • Displaying symbols in USG
  • MODFLOW text output progress including:
    • ETS, EVT, GAGE, LAK, MNW, OBS, RCH, SFR, STR, SUB, and UZF packages
  • Import MODFLOW well package data from text files
  • Updated to latest version of MF2K5
  • Pathlines -> Arcs command now works without capture zones
  • GeoPDF tests added
  • Branched version 9.2
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PEMEX Conference

From Aug 26 to 30, PEMEX hosted the "Septimo Seminario International de Respuesta a Emergencias, Caracterizacion y Remediacion de Sitios Impactados por Hidrocarburos" in Mexico City, Mexico. The keynote speaker at the conference was Nobel laureate, Dr Mario Molina. He gave a presentation on global warming.

Alan Lemon from Aquaveo was invited to attend and give a presentation on using GMS for site characterization and flow and transport modeling of impacted sites. The presentation gave some background on the modeling process and how GMS can be used to characterize and model impacted sites. Another lecturer, Dr. Willis Weight, also shared many case studies of applied modeling using GMS. The attendees were particularly impressed with the visualizations demonstrated by Dr. Weight. Many thanks to the conference organizers for the invitation to present. Special thanks to Jorge Chirpas, Paula Andrea Martinez, and Cuauhtemoc Luna for their many efforts before, during, and after the conference.

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GMS Training at Los Angeles Department of Water and Power

From August 12 to 15, members of the GMS team at Aquaveo conducted training for the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP). The introductory Groundwater Flow and Transport Modeling class was presented to LADWP employees. The class included lectures, demos, hands on exercises, and daily tests to verify that the students could complete modeling problems. We covered MODFLOW, PEST, MODPATH,  and MT3DMS. Additionally we talked about borehole data, subsurface characterization, GIS data, and how to integrate this data into groundwater models. The class was a great success. The attendees really appreciated the power and simplicity of GMS and the conceptual modeling approach. Many thanks to the attendees.

August 2013 Sprint

  • Fixed 10 bugs
  • Training course in Los Angeles
  • Training course in Mexico City
  • MODFLOW-LGR support completed including MODPATH functionality and a second tutorial
  • Added DGN (MicroStation) file support
  • Added ISTCB1 option support in MODFLOW STR and SFR packages
  • Progress on improving native MODFLOW text output
  • Progress on open sourcing MODFLOW changes
  • Progress on MODFLOW-USG support
  • Added MODFLOW option to default starting heads to the grid top elevations
  • 3D Grid to shapefile export now lets user pick all, active, or selected data sets to export

July 2013 Sprint

  • Fixed 13 bugs
  • Posted a GMS 9.1 update
  • More progress on improving native MODFLOW text output
  • More progress on open sourcing MODFLOW changes
  • MODFLOW-LGR progress
  • MODFLOW-USG progress
  • Implemented smooth fonts. Fonts will look a lot better
  • Removed display of node in the middle of quad elements of a 2D mesh
  • Lots of code refactoring taking place
  • Attended the ESRI User Conference

ESRI International User Conference 2013

Join us at the 2013 ESRI International User Conference July 8-12, 2013 in San Diego, California. This year marks the 32nd convening on the International Conference on GIS technology. If you will be attending this conference, please stop by the Aquaveo booth to say hello. This conference typically enjoys a lot of support from the engineering community engaged in geographical information systems. It will be a great opportunity to connect with and learn from experts in the field.

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We enjoyed seeing many of you at this year's MODFLOW and MORE 2013: TRANSLATING SCIENCE INTO PRACTICE conference. We had a booth, a couple of posters, and a couple of presentations this year. One poster showed MODFLOW-USG refined grids of different types. The other poster was on MODFLOW Server (images below). Dr. Norm Jones gave a very interesting presentation on Monday on his paper entitled Debating the Long-Term Impact of the Southern Nevada Pumping Project based on consulting work done at Aquaveo. One of Norm's graduate students, Scott Christensen presented on Wednesday on his paper entitled A web-based groundwater mapping and visualization tool using Google Earth which is based on work done partly at Aquaveo and partly at BYU.
Software demo. Photo courtesy of  igwmc.

The booth. Photo courtesy of igwmc.


Isosurface Transparency

For some time GMS has included the ability to have transparent surfaces and transparent contours. These transparent surfaces can come from a TIN, Solid, Cross Section, Mesh, or Grid. The transparency for these surfaces is controlled by adjusting the transparency field in the Material Properties dialog. For contours, the transparency is controlled in the Contour Options dialog.

One of the new features in GMS 9.1 is the addition of transparency for iso-surfaces. The transparency of individual iso-surfaces can be controlled in the Iso-surfaces Options. Below we show the dialog and some iso-surfaces with and without transparency.
Iso-surfaces without transparency

Iso-surface dialog with transparency control

Iso-surfaces with transparency

June 2013 Sprint

  • Fixed 6 bugs
  • Fixed problems with the new "Copy to Coverage" command
  • Updated help links to wiki pages and added automated tests to report when these get out of date
  • Good progress on improving MODFLOW native text output
  • Good progress on open sourcing MODFLOW changes
  • Overhauled MT3D Basic Package dialog to make setting starting concentrations much easier
  • Project-on-the-fly: made new objects get assigned the display projection
  • Sped up test coverage analysis
  • Started work on FEFLOW mesh import/export
  • MODFLOW-LGR progress
  • MODFLOW-USG progress


The MODFLOW-LGR interface in GMS is almost done. Here are a couple of images showing a nested child grid in plan view and front view.

MODFLOW-LGR with nested child grid, plan view

MODFLOW-LGR with nested child grid, front view
