Incorporating Inline Steering in CMS

Are you wanting to internally couple a CMS-Wave model with your CMS-Flow model? The Surface-water Modeling System (SMS) offers the Inline Steering Model Control option, which allows CMS-Flow steering using CMS-Wave data. The steering is controlled by the CMS-Flow model executable and not SMS. The steering tool is useful in facilitating the process of launching models multiple times. Furthermore, the steering module automates repetitive user tasks. Using the steering tool for CMS will enable data sharing between circulation and wave propagation numerical models.

Example of CMS inline steering

In SMS version 12.1 and later the Inline Steering option is reached by going to the CMS-Flow Model Control dialog:

  1. Build and run a successful CMS-Wave model.
  2. Right-click on the CMS-Flow simulation in the Project Explorer and select Model Control.
  3. Select the Wave tab and select the Inline steering option under the drop-down in the Wave information heading.
  4. Import the specific CMS-Wave solution file.
  5. Enter the inline steering value.

Coupling of models is an efficient and accurate means of calculating wave-driven currents, setup and setdown, and wave-current interaction in nearshore regions, including tidal inlets. In SMS version 12.0 and earlier the steering tool can also be used to facilitate the transfer of data from wave models to circulation models and back. In versions 12.1 and later, the CMS-Flow Model Control is used for steering.

When using Inline Steering, it is necessary to build a CMS-Wave model prior to incorporating any data into CMS-Flow. Following that, it is then possible to build a model in CMS-Flow using the stored data and solution files. If you encounter problems with the CMS-Flow simulation results, and notice that neighboring outputs are not quite right, check the Steering Interval option in the CMS-Flow Model Control Dialog. If this option has a number less than 0.25 inputted, it causes problems as there is no proper indication for CMS-Flow to include CMS-Wave solutions in its calculations. To fix this, set the steering interval to a number greater than zero, and the CMS-Flow simulation should respond to the CMS-Wave inputs.

Try Inline Steering for your CMS-Flow models in SMS today!

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