Using Evaluation Versions of GMS, SMS, and WMS

Are you wanting to try out GMS, SMS, or WMS, but aren’t quite ready to commit to purchasing a license? Or maybe you have a license, but your maintenance has lapsed and you’d like to check out the new features in a beta version before updating your maintenance?

Aquaveo permits using an evaluation license for its products to permit you to try out our software to see if it will meet your needs. Evaluation licenses are temporary license codes that let you use all the functionality of our software for two weeks.

To receive an evaluation license code, do the following:

Use the evaluation code to register
  1. Download the software you want to evaluate from our downloads page.
  2. After downloading and installing the software, use the Request License button in the Registration Wizard to go to the Software Evaluation Request page on our website.
  3. Fill out the request form and an evaluation license code will be sent to you.
  4. Register the software using the evaluation license code sent to you.

After registering the software with the evaluation code you will be able to use all of the software functionality to determine if the software will meet your water modeling needs. Note that evaluation licenses are only for evaluation purposes and are not intended for creating finished models. It should also be noted that certain third party models, such as TUFLOW or Hydro AS-2D, will still require a separate license in order to fully evaluate them.

After the two week trial period, the license will expire and you will no longer be able to use the software until a paid license code is entered. You are only permitted one evaluation license per product per version.

If you encounter problems with registering an evaluation license, contact our support team at If you started an evaluation license and were unable to use the license during the evaluation period, contact our licensing team at

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