GMS Sprint July 2015
By on August 13, 2015
Some of the more notable things completed by the GMS team during the month:
- Fixed several bugs
- Greatly sped up voronoi UGrid creation
- Finished CLN wells interface
- Create a new tutorial for the Name File dialog
- Progress on mod-PATH3DU
- Added exporting of solids to VTK file format
- Started on a new tutorial about projections
- Added a number of user requests from the forum:
- Material legends in the Cross Section Editor
- Right-click to uncheck all layers in the CAD menu
- Added a preference for changing the direction of the mini-grid increment/decrement
- Added a preference for inverting the mouse wheel zoom direction
- Changed it so attached cross sections are cleared but not deleted when editing a borehole
- Added descriptions to borehole segments
- Cross section editor plot lines can now appear in back of cross section