October 2012 Sprint
By mkennard@aquaveo.com on November 6, 2012
- Fixed 16 bugs
- Branched GMS 9.0 code base
- Held a GMS training course in Australia
- Initial investigation of MODPATH 6.0 support
- Added a Z Values -> Data Set command for 2D objects
- Changed rasters so that interpolation using a raster catalogs results in one data set and interpolation from multiple selected rasters results in multiple data sets
- Unstructured grids are now rendering in GMS
- Cleaned up a lot of help links on the wiki and help buttons in GMS
- Switched scatter points to use the standard Contour Options
- Added exporting of 3D grids to a VTK file for use in ParaView
- Progress on support for multiple grids
- Progress on wiki to dynamic help file