Unlock New Ways to Refine 2D Meshes

The Surface-water Modeling System (SMS) continues to expand its capabilities to make surface-water modeling easier. The use of 2D meshes is common for many projects and models, such as SRH-2D and ADCIRC. Processes to refine these 2D meshes have been part of SMS for a long time. However, with the release of SMS 13.4 beta, there are now two more tools available for refining meshes: Refine 2D Mesh and Refine 2D Mesh by Error.

These tools are available in the SMS Toolbox under the 2D Mesh folder and are designed to provide more flexibility and control when refining meshes for your surface-water modeling projects. Whether you're working on small-scale models or large projects, these tools offer an additional level of precision and accuracy.

2D mesh refinement example

Both tools are located in the SMS Toolbox under the 2D Mesh folder. Refining an entire 2D mesh should be done when it is discovered the entire mesh has elements that are too large. Normally, refinement should be primarily around key areas of interest for the project. Any sort of refinement used on an existing mesh should be done with care.

The Refine 2D Mesh uses an existing 2D Mesh then splits (refines) the elements into smaller elements. The Refine 2D Mesh tool provides you with the option to select datasets with “locked” nodes—any node with a non-zero scalar value. Any cell edges that contain one or more locked nodes will not be split. Utilizing such a tool will equip you to complete a surface-water modeling project with focused accuracy and efficiency. 

Similar to the Refine 2D Meshtool, the Refine 2D Mesh by Error tool produces a 2D Mesh that has been refined as a result of an existing 2D Mesh, however this tool integrates elevation rasters into the process. Entering a value that guides the acceptable error threshold, the maximum number of iterations to perform, and the necessary elevation rasters are all required components of the input parameters for this tool.

The new Refine 2D Mesh and Refine 2D Mesh by Error tools in SMS 13.4 Beta offer useful enhancements for refining your 2D meshes. These tools make it easier to refine specific areas of interest with greater accuracy, improving the overall quality of your surface-water models. 

If you're looking to improve your surface-water modeling workflows with more control and flexibility, SMS 13.4 Beta's new mesh refinement tools are worth exploring. Give them a try and see how they can help refine your projects!