December sprint highlights
By on January 28, 2011
Below are some of the more interesting accomplishments from the December sprint.
- Fixed 28 bugs in 7.1 and development
- Copy protection: Changed the welcome dialog to go straight to the registration dialog if no license found
- Copy protection: Hid the maintenance string if Community Edition (CE)
- Removed beta stuff from copy protection and updated the beta dialog
- Added CE limits to Help|About and when leaving MODFLOW Stress Periods dialog
- Fixed removing of some menu items based on program mode
- Added ArcGIS web layer files to installer
- Created some more video scripts
- Added new front page to all tutorials
- Wiki: Added MT3DMS run options page
- Wiki: Contour Options page updated
- Created some more images for image gallery
- Updated the GMS Advanced Course training materials
- Updated automated tests on lots of tutorials