The MODFLOW Analyst enables you to edit, archive, and visualize modflow models within ArcGIS. The geoprocessing tools are based on the MODFLOW Data Model, which supports the storage of a complete modflow model (including grid structure, inputs, and results) within an ArcGIS geodatabase. Tools in the toolkit enable you to import an existing model into the geodatabase and geo-reference the model so you can visualize and analyze the results in context with other GIS data.

A number of easy to follow tutorials are available for MODFLOW Analyst.


Groundwater Analyst is compatible with:

  • ArcGIS Desktop

Manage MODFLOW models within ArcGIS

  • MODFLOW Analyst now supports MODFLOW 2005 as well as a number of MODFLOW packages!
  • Import existing MODFLOW models and store them in the MODFLOW model structure
  • Export & Run MODFLOW models within ArcGIS
  • Map GIS attributes to MODFLOW models
  • Well permitting tool
  • Customized workflows