Environment: Coasts & Oceans

Protecting both environmental and human interests in coastal and ocean areas requires detailed planning and design. In order to best align these two interests, civil engineering professionals rely on SMS and a variety of numerical models to simulate change and design solutions.

Inundation & Coastal Flooding

From hurricane storm surges, sea level rise, & tsunamis to overtopping or breaching of man-made & natural barriers, SMS can help identify where it will flood and to what extent.

Coastal Waves

Modeling nearshore wind-wave growth and population in SMS can assist in designing safe harbors by predicting wave properties and simulating wave behavior.

Coastal Circulation & Transport

Model tides & wind driven circulation as well as sediment transport and water quality processes all in SMS

Coastal Sediments & Shorelines

Simulate the effects of replenishing beach sediment through erosion mitigation efforts using SMS. Beach nourishment provides heathy shores and a thriving wildlife habitat - and protects against storm surges, tsunamis and high tides.