Modeling Single or Multiple Storm Events Including Rainfall, Losses, Unit Hydrographs, and Stream Routing


Application:Hydrologic Modeling
Method:Lumped Parameter/Quasi-Distributed
Model Type:1D/2D
Developer:Hydrologic Engineering Center,
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers


Why HEC-HMS with WMS?
WMS provides a custom interface to the HEC-HMS model offering a simple way to set model parameters and a graphical user interface to run the model and visualize the results. Gather background data from a variety of sources from GIS to CAD and access online data from numerous databases of maps, images, elevation, land use, and soil data. WMS allows you to interact with models in true 3D taking advantage of optimized OpenGL graphics and to create photo-realistic renderings and animations for PowerPoint, print, and web presentations.

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HEC-HMS Description:
HEC-HMS is the next generation hydrologic model developed by the Hydrologic Engineering Center. Its intent is to replace HEC-1, and it features many of the same modeling capabilities as HEC-1 and additional capabilities such as the MODClark quasi-distributed (2D) hydrologic model. WMS has a fully-featured interface to the MODClark hydrologic model and includes documentation and step-by-step tutorials showing how to setup MODClark and other types of HMS models.