SMS Research Citations

The following list is a sample of papers, publications, and other articles citing the Surface-water Modeling System (SMS). Please contact us if you would like additional publications added to the list.

Number Title Link Keywords Year
1 CGWAVE: A Coastal Surface Water Wave Model of the Mild Slope Equation. Link surface waters, contamination, coastal regions, finite element analysis, inlets 1998
2 Parallel Flood Modeling Systems Link flood modeling, ANFAS, parallel numerical solutions 2002
3 Airborne LiDAR in support of geomorphological and hydraulic modelling Link LiDAR, hydraulic modelling, estuarine geomorphology 2003
4 Impact of Varied Data Resolution on Hydraulic Modeling and Floodplain Delineation Link hydraulic modeling, floodplain delineation light detection and ranging (LIDAR), digital terrain models (DTM), surface water hydrology, GIS 2007
5 An Unstructured-Grid, Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model (FVCOM) System Link oceanography, unstructured-grid, finite-volume method, FVCOM, coastal modeling, global ocean model 2006
6 System dynamics model for predicting floods from snowmelt in North American prairie watersheds Link flood, system dynamics, hydrologic dynamics, feedback, watershed 2002
7 Concept of a Problem Solving Environment for Flood Forecasting Link virtual organization, flood forecasting, collaborative problem solving environment, parallelization, MPI programming 2002
8 Study of waste stabilization pond geometry for the wastewater treatment efficiency Link waste stabilization ponds, computational fluid dynamic, water quality, hydrodynamics, modeling, wastewater treatment 2006
9 INTERFACING GIS WITH WATER RESOURCE MODELS: A STATE-OF-THE-ART REVIEW Link GIS, modeling, surface water hydrology, water quality, water resources, simulation
10 Modeling sedimentation and scour in small urban lakes Link lake flow modeling, sediment scour, dry dredging, RMA2, SMS, urban watersheds 2003
11 Changes in movement, range and habitat preferences of adult grayling from late summer to early winter Link grayling, habitat preference, seasonal movements, telemetry, winter 2004
12 Application of a 2D hydrodynamic model to design of reach-scale spawning gravel replenishment on the Mokelumne River, California Link river restoration, 2D modelling, salmon, gravel, numerical modelling, salmon spawning, physical habitat 2004
13 SMS Steering Module for Coupling Waves and Currents, 1: Adcirc and STWAVE Link steering module, wave propagation, hydrodynamic coupling, ADCIRC, STWAVE 2002
14 WABED Model in the SMS: Part 2. Graphical Interface Link computerized simulation, diffraction, wave equations, coastal regions, inlets, two-dimensional sediment transport 2007
15 Coupling of Regional and Local Circulation Models ADCIRC and M2D Link ADCIRC, M2D, CHETN, coupling, inlet 2002
16 Two-dimensional modelling of habitat suitability as a function of discharge on two Colorado rivers Link instream flows, meso-habitat, two-dimensional modeling 2005
17 The contribution of marine snow to the particle food supply of the benthic suspension feeder, Mytilus edulis Link exhalant siphon area, flow modeling, marine snow, mytilus edulis, pseudofeces production, suspension-feeding 2005
18 Two-Dimensional Depth-Averaged Circulation Model CMS-M2D: Version 3.0, Report 2, Sediment Transport and Morphology Change Link ERDC, USACE 2006
19 Remote Sensing and Modeling Applications for Coastal Resource Management Link fish, diseases, coastal zone, coastal regions, wave prediction, watershed models, groundwater models 2001
20 Behavior of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami and Resultant Damage in Tokyo Bay Link tsunami disaster, field survey, tsunami wave profile, numerical hindcasting, FVCOM, Delft3D-Flow 2012
21 High-Resolution Retrospective Analysis of Storm Surges in the North Caspian Sea Based on Numerical Simulation Link storm surge, Caspian Sea, SMS, Samur Delta, inundation, coastal circulation 2013
22 Unstructured model investigation of 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami inundation in Banda Aceh, Indonesia Link FVCOM, numerical simulation, disaster prevention 2011
23 Effect of topographic data, geometric configuration and modeling approach on flood inundation mapping Link Topographic datasets; Flood inundation maps; Flood insurance rate maps; HEC-RAS; FESWMS; River bathymetry 2009
24 Gridded Surface Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) User's Manual; Version 1.43 for Watershed Modeling System 6.1 Link WATERSHEDS, HYDRAULIC MODELS, USER MANUALS, WATER FLOW, STREAMFLOW ANALYSIS, SEDIMENTS, HYDROLOGY, GROUND WATER 2006
25 Two-dimensional fish habitat modelling for assessing instream flow requirements Link fish habitat, flow requirements, Guadalupe River, USA, instream Flow, RMA-2, two dimensional
27 Improved Prediction of Storm Surge Inundation with a High-Resolution Unstructured Grid Model Link Unstructured grid model, storm surge, inundation, Andrew, Miami coast 2006
28 Parallel Numerical Solution for Flood Modeling Systems Link Flood Simulation, Partial Differential Equations, Parallel Simulation, Parallelizing water flow modeling systems 2002
29 Automatic, unstructured mesh generation for tidal calculations in a large domain Link Mesh generation, Finite element method, Tidal model, Shallow water equations, Truncation error, Computational hydrodynamics 2006
30 SMS Steering Module for Coupling Waves and Currents, 2: M2D and STWAVE Link Coastal and Hydraulics Engineering Technical Note (CHETN), M2D, STWAVE, 2003
31 Comparing a 1D hydraulic model with a 2D hydraulic model for the simulation of extreme glacial outburst floods Link glacial outburst flood;hydraulic modelling;jökulhlaup;Iceland 2007
32 Development of a Web-Based Risk Assessment Modeling System Link risk assessment, modeling, ecological, human, uncertainty, web-based 2000
33 Simulation of wave breaking effects in two-dimensional elliptic harbor wave models Link Wave; Model; Mild-slope equation; Breaking; Elliptic model 2001
34 Two-dimensional fish habitat modelling for assessing instream flow requirements Link fish habitat, flow requirements, Guadalupe River, USA, instream Flow, RMA-2, two dimensional 2001
35 A Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic River Waterway in the Great Lakes Basin Link St. Clair-Detroit River Waterway, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, RMA2, 2002